Contents > Everyone Gets Out Alive
What Happened To Mac
The title of the original story sums it up.
Mac made it out alive and is doing fine. He got his private pilot's license at 18. I was so proud of him on that day. He flew for another year and got very close to getting his instrument rating. Then he decided that while he enjoyed flying he didn't want to make it a career. Most men are trapped as much by their successes as they are by their failures. Not Mac - he knows exactly who he is and decides for himself what he wants from life. I was even more proud of him when he left flying than I was when he earned his license. Soon after, Mac worked with me for a year as a factory electrician and automation technician. This was the best year of my life. Then he wanted to test himself so he went off on his own to work in other factories doing the same kind of work. I remember one time he called me saying that his boss wanted him to wire a motor in a way that was not safe and would likely get somebody hurt. Mac told his boss that it was not safe to wire a motor as he had been instructed. His boss said that's how they always did it and he would need to conform. I told Mac to follow his conscience. Later when we talked about it again Mac told me he refused and his boss was about to fire him. He appealed to the president of the company and ask him to call the engineer in Germany that designed the system and ask him if he was correct about the safety issue. The president did make the call and the engineer said that Mac was wrong. Mac's boss said, "Now will you do what I asked you to do?" "No Sir, I cannot", was Mac's response. "Well then you will have to leave", his boss told him. Mac packed his things and was walking out when the president of the company stopped him. "We owe you an apology", the president said, "The engineer called back and told us that you were correct after all. Those motors are not safe the way we have been wiring them. They will all need to be rewired as per your recommendation." Once again, Mac demonstrated that he was his own man. After the incident there was bad blood at the factory and Mac decided it was time to try something else. So he became a painter. Below are just a few of the paintings Mac has done.
Finally and most important, Mac loves God and His Son Jesus Christ and he hears them when they speak to him.