
0. Faith is knowing so deeply a thing is true that we never even think about it.

1. A belief (the opposite of faith) is nothing more than a thought we keep thinking.

2. No one can break our hearts - It is something we do to ourselves. Not deliberately.
2. Heartbreak happens when what we want is in opposition to what we believe we can have.
2. Ultimately what we want is to feel good - That never changes.
2. But what we keep telling ourselves we can have is something we can decide.

3. You can not stop your life from moving, but you can steer.
3. Mind is the rudder, Emotion is the compass.
3. Pay attention to the compass - keep the mind on what feels good.

4. Our minds exist to solve physical problems for the soul while we inhabit these bodies.
4. Like government which creates problems in order to grow and control, our minds do the same.
4. Any thought that makes you unhappy is a thought from the mind which is seeking to grow and control.
4. Thoughts from God feel good. God will never send you a thought which feels bad.
4. A quiet appreciative mind is where the soul meets with God. This is where good ideas come from.

5. You can not stop any thought or belief from playing in your mind. You can only redirect your attention to another thought or belief.
5. Direct your attention always to thoughts that make you feel good and you will be transported to your best possible life in a very short time.
5. Direct your attention to things you believe you can have and you will be transported to your best possible life in a very short time.
5. Direct your attention to things that you appreciate and you will be transported to your best possible life in a very short time.

6. Practice quieting the mind through prayer and meditation in a spirit of appreciation rather than from a place of need or regret
and your belief will quickly turn to faith